The adventure begins with a cross-country trip meant for fun and enjoyment that is suddenly interrupted by a life-threatening accident. In the critical moments of the crash, Kessen relives his life in flashbacks from his puppy days to the moments following the crash. Will he survive and change the way he lived or were the flashbacks a means of saying good bye to life as he knew it? Only the reader will discover the outcome . . .
Izzy’s dreams of being a champion athlete conflict with her predetermined career as an assistance dog for the disabled. Convincing her foster family, both human and canine, that athletic glory is the right choice takes her on an exciting journey of self-discovery. Do her dreams of athletic glory determine her destination or does her fun-filled journey change her dream? Share Izzy’s journey and discover the answer . . .
Tansy and Brightie, two energetic and playful dogs, suddenly find themselves unsupervised and left to their own devices in their home due to a family emergency. Do these frisky dogs use this unexpected opportunity to engage in mischievous behavior, or do they abide by their training and behave responsibly under such tempting circumstances? Follow their antics as they await their family’s return and discover how each dog spends this surprising gift of unintended independence . . .
Brightie, a self-proclaimed delightful diva, finds herself unexpectedly designated by Kessen, the current pack leader, to be his successor upon retirement. In an elegant brunch setting for the neighborhood dogs, Brightie travels back in time with exciting stories beginning with her early puppy days in sunny California to her current power-based role as Leader of the Pack. Does this important role require that she give up her flair for fashion, or will she find a way to combine all of the leader's responsibilities with her Brightie-like, fashionista ways? Discover the answer as Brightie shares her adventures . . .
Hector is a fun-loving Chihuahua/Terrier mix whose commitment to believing in having hopes and dreams for the future sends him on a search for a forever home. Abandoned and alone, he faces the challenges of street-life until he finds support from his new canine, feline and human friends. Discover if the bonds of friendship and strong beliefs help make Hector’s dreams come true . . .
When tragedy strikes, Grief becomes the uninvited visitor who lingers indefinitely and robs the body and soul of strength or motivation to move forward. This is a journey of personal loss that chronicles a fairy tale romance that unfortunately ends much too soon as well as shares the day and night challenges of dealing with that relentless visitor named Grief . . .
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